Flight Dispatcher Training for the Highest Performance

Dispatchers are one of the key to airline’s safe and successful services and require no previous aviation knowledge or experience.
The career of a flight dispatcher is an exciting and rewarding one that provides a great salary and benefits.
You will be part of team that provides all the necessary assistance and support to the crew in the cockpit over the course of the airlines’ service process
Are you interested in working in flight operations for commercial airlines and corporate flight departments?
The Cognitive Aviation Training, the leader ATO in ITALY provides Flight Dispatcher Certification using online distance learning.
Our unique program is a 128-hour course and can be completed in 6 weeks thru online computer-based study
- Choose your on-site course date.
- Register and pay tuition
- Receive your username and password to log in to the online courseware
- Complete 128 required hours at home, at your own pace
- Take and pass the Flight Dispatcher Computer Knowledge Test
- Prepare for the practical and theoretical final exam,
- 3 Months Stage by an Airline OCC opportunity for selected students