The ENAC Regulation, the 3rd edition of 11 November 2019, establishes new rules for becoming a professional drone pilot.
In fact, two qualifications are required:
- APR pilot certificate for non-critical operations
- APR Pilot Certificate for Critical Operations - VLOS
To obtain the APR Pilot Certificate for non-critical operations, it is necessary to take an online course, and take an exam, directly on the ENAC portal (www.enac.gov.it).
You can do everything independently, but sometimes clarifications are essential to prepare more thoroughly and to get to the final exam early.
After learning the theoretical contents, the exam is carried out, again carried out on the ENAC web services portal, with a test of 40 multiple choice questions, delivered twice a day. The test must be completed within 60 minutes and you have a maximum of 6 attempts.
In the ENAC web services section it is possible to consult the national and European documentation for obtaining the pilot certificate.
Our team of experts will provide you with Cogtech support in preparing to become a drone pilot for non-critical operations, providing you with:
a tutoring course to facilitate the achievement of the Non-critical Operations Certificate, downloadable in pdf format from our website, FREE of charge for those enrolled in our course for APR Pilot Certificate for VLOS Critical Operations.
In case Cogtech personalized support is desired, we have a video tutorial that follows step by step the procedures to be implemented in order to better face the exam on the ENAC portal.
- Assistance in obtaining a Digital Signature system
- Assistance in Registration on the ENAC website for the support of the APR Pilot Certificate Examination Non-Critical Operations VLOS
- Personalized Collection of the ENAC Regulations necessary to obtain the APR Pilot Certificate for NON-Critical Operations VLOS
- Tutorial on access procedures to the ENAC site for obtaining the APR Pilot Certificate for NON-Critical Operations VLOS
I Piloti APR che continueranno con noi il percorso per ottenere l’Attestato di Pilota di Droni per le operazioni Critiche VLOS, potranno frequentare presso il nostro centro Addestramento autorizzato ENAC uno dei corsi programmati.
Nel caso in cui i corsisti abbiano usufruito del Supporto Cogtech essi godranno di uno sconto sul prezzo di listino .
In aggiunta il nostro team fornirà ai corsisti:
- Consulenza personalizzata, dopo aver conseguito l’Attestato di pilota APR, per diventare operatore SAPR
- Supporto per la stesura dei manuali necessari ad un operatore Droni
- Assistenza per la registrazione sul portale D-Flight dell’ENAC
- consulenza sulla scelta del drone da acquistare in base al lavoro che si vorrà intraprendere e quant’altro.
Per informazioni sui costi contattare: Email: mr.astuto@cogtechfstd.com Cell: +39 380 526 9122